Dear Baby G,
I am so happy, still, to be finished with the first trimester. Hopefully I will get my energy back soon. The nausea has definitely diminished and it has been nice! I am noticeably showing now, and several people have commented on it this week. It's exciting! Also this last week, I have been feeling lots of fluttering in my stomach. I am certain it was you! It's such a good feeling to know you are in there and moving around!
We have been discussing names more lately, but still no front runners. However, your daddy has had your middle names (boy or girl) picked out for a loooong time now. Probably for almost two years. I think they are both good names, and either way I will like them! Now when it comes to your first name, well, that's not going as smoothly. There are a couple of names we had discussed years ago, and they are still in the running, but who knows! I had a dream again last night that you were a boy. I'm not sure what that means!
On Wednesday we go to Oklahoma City to the doctor again. I am doing the 1 hour gestational diabetes test early because women with lupus are more prone to developing it, and developing it earlier than normal. I am hoping everything goes well with that. We also are having another ultrasound. I have been secretly wishing that you will be cooperative that day and that they could MAYBE give us an idea on what little parts you have. I will be one day shy of fourteen weeks when we are there, so it's still a little early, but I know it could possibly be done. Only time will tell.
I am so glad this week is almost over. It is the end of the nine weeks for me, so I have had a lot to get finished. Next week I have 3 school days and 2 nights of parent/teacher conferences until Spring Break! I can't wait!
How your baby's growing:
Fingerprints have formed on your baby's tiny fingertips, her veins and organs are clearly visible through her still-thin skin, and her body is starting to catch up with her head — which makes up just a third of her body size now. If you're having a girl, she now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries. Your baby is almost 3 inches long (the size of a medium shrimp) and weighs nearly an ounce.
13 Weeks
Posted by Heather at 5:24 PM
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